4 Steps to Manage Your Online Reputation When Job Searching

This guest post was contributed by Michelle who works from home. She has handled and developed winning marketing strategies for start-ups, non-profits, and corporations. Currently, she’s working for Guaranteed Removals, a reputation management firm based in Canada which offer a variety of services to remove harmful online content permanently.
The job search can be a difficult and stressful time, especially when you are struggling to stand out from the crowd of applicants. But what’s even worse is standing out for the wrong reasons. Google yourself. What do you see? If there is something negative or nothing at all, you’re in desperate need of some positive content. Guaranteed Removals, a Canadian online reputation management firm, knows all about transforming the online reputation of individuals and businesses. Here, they share five tips on how to manage your online reputation when job searching.
- Make your social media profiles private
Yes, employers look at your social media! What you post says a lot about you, whether it’s a photo, retweet, or status update from 2011. You never know what a recruiter will see as unattractive behavior, so it’s better to be safe than sorry by making all social media profiles private.
If you are in a field where a large social media presence is required, set aside a few hours to clean up your social media presence. Guaranteed Removals recommends deleting unprofessional posts and anything that would clash with a company’s image. This includes drinking photos, offensive comments made by yourself or friends, and unnecessary junk that distracts viewers from all the positive content you share on social media.
- Start Blogging!
One of the best ways to show that you are qualified for a position is to showcase your expertise. Start publishing blogs on relevant topicsto your job search, using sites such as Medium, Reddit, LinkedIn, or better yet, a feature on a well-known blog. For example, if you are applying for a Social Media Coordinator position, publish blogs on the following topics: the power of social media, helpful apps for social media coordinators, and how to run an Instagram contest. Employers will see your skills in action before they even contact you for an interview. This may even lead to unsolicited job offers!
- Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is the only social media profile you should have open to the public, fully displaying all your information and interactions. LinkedIn was built to be an online resume and networking hub, where users can show off their experience and skills, as well as connect with colleagues.
Often, we limit the job experience featured on our resumes to compliment the job we are applying for, but this means a lot of our experience is left unknown to employers. Use LinkedInto share a detailed list of experience, from jobs to volunteer experience and accomplishments. Be sure to write recommendations and endorse qualifications for colleagues who will likely do the same in return. LinkedIn is also a great place to network with well known individuals in your field. By connecting with these people and making yourself known, they may notify you of a job opening or give job recruiters great recommendations. It’s up to you how active you want to be on LinkedIn, but just remember to keep it strictly professional. No memes or status updates here!
- Create a Personal Website
Personal websites are becoming a popular toolfor individuals to showcase their skills and qualifications. Even more, they act as a collection of positive content, in which you are directly responsible for. “Personal websites are a great way to take control of your online reputation and stand out from the crowd” says Guaranteed Removals. “And it’s relatively easy to create.” Platforms like Squarespace and Wix make it incredibly easy to make a functional and visually appealing website. When other applicants are handing over the standard paper resumes, compliment your resume with a personal website that is sure to wow the employers.