Applying Eat, Pray, Love to Your Life
If you haven’t read Liz Gilbert’s book Eat Pray Love or seen the blockbuster movie with Julia Roberts, the nutshell version is that it took Liz (the protagonist) a full twelve months and three countries to strike a balance between pleasure seeking and inner spiritual peace. Liz ultimately found her authentic self and although traveling the world to do it may sound enticing, it’s not realistic for most of us who are questing for our own authenticity closer to home.
There are some basic strategies from the book/movie and a recent Oprah Magazine article that I believe we can all apply in our quest to find authenticity in life and career.
- Write down what you want. A wise mentor asked me to write down my very specific career dreams and goals sharing that if I could not put it into words on paper, I could not realize the dreams. There is something magical about putting these visions into words. No matter how big or small – write it down so you can make them happen. Check back on this dream list regularly so you can revisit your goals, take a step forward, or readjust as need be.
- Be alone. In this fast paced, hectic world I know it seems impossible but try and carve out 30 minutes of each day just for you. Whether that is quiet time to meditate, read a favorite book, or enjoy a glass of wine, treat yourself to a half hour of doing whatever YOU want.
- Pay-it-Forward. Life gets overwhelming and seems to crowd our psyches with thoughts of what needs to be done. Take a step back and consider how you can help others. Being altruistic may feed your soul and give you a sense of renewed purpose by giving of yourself to those in need. Volunteer, mentor, or do something generous of spirit that gratifies you while helping others.
Quite often we need to let go of the stresses of the day to rejuvenate and focus on our authentic path. Life is always going to be hectic so be sure to carve out the time you need to focus and ponder your dreams so you can take action. You deserve it!
December 6, 2010 @ 12:05 pm
Those are great points. I just came back from an out of country vacation myself, which allowed me to see my life afresh, and re-evaluate my priorities.
Since I am not able to travel like this often, each time I return from a trip like this, I try to remember to live my life at home as if I were on a trip. I try to bring my “vacation attitude” to my everyday life. I try to live as if I am on an adventure, marvel at the little but remarkable things around me, and remember to look at things in a new way.
This helps me get back to enjoying my life more, appreciating what I have and also getting back to my authentic self.
Hope things are going well with your book.