Showcase Your Value After Time Away from the Workplace
When returning to the workforce after an extended leave, it’s essential to showcase your value and transferable experiences to a prospective employer
When returning to the workforce after an extended leave, it’s essential to showcase your value and transferable experiences to a prospective employer
I recently came across a social media post with 10 Ways to Be an Empowered Woman and I want to share this inspiring wisdom with you. Consider these simple and self-nurturing ways to be your own best advocate so you can pay-it-forward as a role model to others. Attain your educational goals: never stop learning […]
Set yourself up for interview success by empowering your references with current information so they can speak well in your behalf.
Marcello Pedalino authored, “Celebrate Life: How to Live it Up, Discover Fulfillment, and Experience the Joy You Deserve.”
This post was contributed by Beth Green. Are you one of those people that seem to end up going from one terrible job to another? You might even begin to develop a complex about this strange phenomenon! You might think that there is a simple reason why you get drawn to dead-end jobs or ones […]
Dr. Erin Albert wrote the book, “The Plan C Professional” – those who enjoy a full-time job and partner it with an entrepreneurial venture on the side. You need not limit your career – embrace Plan C and thrive!
Dr. Victor Strecher authored, “Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything.”
Kenny Nguyen co-authored, “The Big Fish Experience: Create Memorable Presentations that Reel in Your Audience.”
In the new normal of the career world it’s more important than ever to toot your own professional horn and make your accomplishments known internally in your organization. This isn’t inappropriate bragging but strategic self advocacy that may keep you stay afloat in tough times since every employee has to prove their worth. But how […]
With 20+ years of career and professional development, speaking, and consulting experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins desires to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her speaking style is engaging, high energy, and positive, focusing on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.