Your Working Life Podcast with Mike Volpe

Mike Volpe, the Chief Marketing Officer at HubSpot discusses the company policy of unlimited vacation time.
Mike Volpe, the Chief Marketing Officer at HubSpot discusses the company policy of unlimited vacation time.
In my continued quest to empower women with great resources, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Maegan Watson, a personal branding expert who has helped me greatly. Maegan is a wife, sister, yogi, personal branding guru and the founder of My Dear Watson. She has nearly a decade of experience supporting professionals by building […]
Thrive! is my webisode series featuring interviews with inspiring women around the globe. Meet McKenzie Goodrich, owner of Shine Insurance as we talk about her life as a working mom, business owner, and empowered woman.
In a perfect world, we’d be able to do our jobs without personal issues ever causing a ripple. Our work life would stay neatly in the work compartment, our personal life would stay perfectly in the personal compartment, and each area would behave itself and not cross the other’s boundaries… Of course that’s not the […]
Maureen Berkner Boyt founded The Moxie Exchange Movement and author of the 5-book series Rock Your Moxie: Power Moves for Women Leading The Way.
To be in a place of gratitude is so good for your heart and soul. In between the eggnog, fruitcake and renditions of Auld Lang Syne, I encourage you to carve out time to appreciate and express gratitude for the people, events, and experiences that have made a difference in your life over the past […]
Rafael Silva, Grace Worm and Nadia Bercovich comprise the Teach Roadtrip Nation team of young professionals traveling the country in an RV conducting interviews with educators around the USA.
I’ll admit it…I’m a Type A personality—some might even say Type AA. I move at top speed, doing the work I love—coaching, writing, hosting, managing – however, while this boundless energy has been a blessing in my multi-tasking life, it has, at times, been the source of undue stress as well. As a career coach, […]
Thelton McMillian is CEO at Comrade where he provides creative and visionary leadership while fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence.
Are you doing something exceptional in your work? Think about how you spend your precious time. It is a job, a career or a calling?
With 20+ years of career and professional development, speaking, and consulting experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins desires to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her speaking style is engaging, high energy, and positive, focusing on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.