Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Leverage The Final Weeks of This Year

The countdown is on until 2022 is in the rear-view mirror of your career. While many organizations slow down during the final days of December, consider how you can use this time to leverage your influence and set your career stage for the new year. Make Connections Beyond Your Team Capitalize on the holiday party […]
Measure for Success with Patti and Jack Phillips
Patti and Jack Phillips discuss their six steps to measure and improve the success of any project, program, initiative, or work effort.
Gratitude with Specificity

With the holiday season in full swing, we are reminded about the beauty of gratitude and how showing appreciation can be a powerful experience for the giver and the receiver. I am making a conscious effort to be more grateful on a regular basis, to acknowledge people authentically, and to show how much I value […]
Shared Sisterhood with Beth Livingston and Tina Opie
Tina Opie and Beth Livingston dismantle inequities so all women can advance in the workplace and create systemic change.
Turn a Lay-Off into an Opportunity

With a flurry of companies laying off significant portions of their workforce as we finish out the calendar year, the holiday season may be career stressful for many. Whether you are part of the highly publicized Amazon, Twitter, or Meta lay-offs, or you are from a smaller company trying to make financial ends meet – […]