Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Brave Not Perfect: Taking Bolder Risks

With social media permeating our daily lives at every turn, things can seem pretty flipping perfect out there. In this Instagram world where photos are filtered and flawless, and family and friends seem to always be having the time of their lives, it’s easier than ever to fall into the “perfect” trap. In her book, […]
Let Curiosity Be Your Career Guide

“I wonder…” Whenever I hear coaching clients start off a sentence with these two words, I feel heartened. It means wheels are turning…intuition is kicking in, and mobilization is in the offing. It means my clients are curious, and ready to move past what is safe…beyond the known. It signals that they’re ready to step […]
Successful People Initiate
Successful people are pro-active – take initiative and become indispensable in the career world.
Grit and Resilience Will Help You Survive Career Challenges

Grit is defined as firmness of mind or spirit – an unyielding courage in the face of challenge. The career world is changing so fast that grit has also become a sought after competency for hiring and a necessity for entrepreneurs and innovators. The emerging research indicates that grit can determine success or achievement far […]
Your Working Life with Jennifer Moss
Jennifer Moss talks about developing anti-burn-out strategies beyond apps, wellness programs and perks.
Know When Enough is Enough
High performers have a clear definition of success and know when to stop to enjoy other things they value.