Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Design Your Future, so it Doesn’t Happen by Default

As a career development and executive coach, I work with individuals who are focused on making changes to their lives and careers to better align their values and strengths. But for some, their best plans often get stalled in analysis paralysis, which results in stagnation and a hard stop to forward momentum. Perfection is Impossible […]
Thriving Women Leaders in Higher Ed with Chastity Carrigan & Kim Van Lue
Thriving Women Leaders is a virtual executive coaching program designed for successful women leaders in Higher Education.
Is Your Life Eulogy Worthy, or Resume Worthy?

David Brooks delivered a compelling TED Talk about living for your resume or your eulogy. According to Brooks, “The résumé virtues are the ones you put on your résumé, which are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that get mentioned in the eulogy, which are deeper: who are […]
Keep, Stop, Start Your Way to Clarity, Purpose, and Wellness

As a career and executive coach, I work with many individuals who are stalled or stuck in a stagnant routine of life and career that zaps their energy and enthusiasm. The human body is constantly changing at a cellular level, so the process of transformation runs deep within our very being. I encourage you to […]
Suddenly in Charge with Roberta Matuson
Learn all of the tools necessary to be successful at managing up and down the line of any organization.