Who Are the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With?
Being with people impacts your behavior and point of view so consider who is inspiring in your life and spend time with them.
Being with people impacts your behavior and point of view so consider who is inspiring in your life and spend time with them.
It’s summer sports season and from the recent victory of the US Women’s World Cup soccer team, we can learn a lot from the global professional athletes as well as the local sports enthusiasts playing in community recreational leagues. Teamwork lessons that serve athletes well on the court are also applicable to your professional life. […]
As a savvy traveler, I spritz my hotel pillow with lavender mist to ensure a good night’s rest on the road.
Among the pressing fears for human beings, public speaking ranks at the very top along with heights and snakes. As someone who really enjoys public speaking, I realize that I may be part of a small population but I also know how speaking has enhanced my communication and leveraged my career brand. I offer wisdom […]
In a hectic world, narrow your goals and priorities to do a few things extraordinarily well instead of many things in a mediocre fashion.
As a career development and executive coach, I work with many individuals who are focused on making changes to their careers to better align with professional values and strengths. But for some, their best plans often get stalled in analysis paralysis, which results in stagnation and a hard stop to all forward momentum. Ambivalence Trap […]
Guy Kawasaki shares poignant lessons from his life that shed insight on living an empowered and more meaningful life.
With 20+ years of career and professional development, speaking, and consulting experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins desires to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her speaking style is engaging, high energy, and positive, focusing on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.