Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Your Working Life with Devora Zack
Devora Zack talks about how to customize networking techniques that work for you to make meaningful connections.
Career Wisdom for the Class of 2019 That Also Works for Seasoned Professionals

The Class of 2019 Commencement speakers included celebrities like Glenn Close at the College of William & Mary, Fareed Zakaria at The Ohio State University, Laverne Cox at Pitzer College and Apple CEO, Tim Cook at Tulane University, to name only a few. While the style and wisdom shared by the myriad of commencement speakers […]
High Performers Choose How to Spend Their Time
A high performer prioritizes tasks and activities that honor their needs as well as their career goals.
Your Working Life with Julie Kratz
Julie Kratz talks about the importance of unconscious bias training for all professionals to create a more inclusive workforce.
How to Get Organized and Increase Productivity

Quite often when we’re working, we don’t get to the bottom of our to-do list, things get in the way, unexpected things happen, time flies and sometimes things just don’t get done. This can leave you feeling disheartened, stressed and then demotivated which is no use to anyone. If you were just a bit better […]
Your Working Life with Annie McKee
Annie McKee talks about the power of purpose, hope, and friendships at work and how they impact your happiness.
What My Father’s Death Taught Me About Grief

The first few months of this year have been filled with significant loss. My Dad died in February after a very rapid decline from Alzheimer’s disease. We knew his condition was terminal but in December when my siblings and I contemplated that this family Christmas gathering might be his last, we didn’t realize his death […]