Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Holding it Together with Jessica Calarco
America runs on women who are tasked with holding society together at the seams and fixing it when things fall apart.
It’s Time for a Mid-Year Career Refresh

My grandparents were faithful Christmas Club savers at their local bank. Starting in June, they would deposit money in a special account each month, so they would have savings ready to go for the holidays. While many retailers have Christmas-in-the-summer sales, it’s also a good time to take this halfway point in the calendar year […]
Everboarding Improves Talent Retention

The Association of Talent Development (ATD) reports that the amount of information new hires learn in the first few days and weeks can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many organizations consider onboarding a one-and-done process with tutorial videos and copious digital resources to comb through on your own. It’s a victory if you can find the bathroom […]
Are You Coachable?

It’s international coaching week and a great to time to consider working with a coach to empower you on your career and life journey. Savvy coaches offer a free Discovery or Chemistry call to determine if the coach/client relationship is a good fit. It’s important for the coach to ascertain if a client is ready […]