Your Working Life with Annie McKee
Annie McKee talks about the power of purpose, hope, and friendships at work and how they impact your happiness.
Annie McKee talks about the power of purpose, hope, and friendships at work and how they impact your happiness.
The first few months of this year have been filled with significant loss. My Dad died in February after a very rapid decline from Alzheimer’s disease. We knew his condition was terminal but in December when my siblings and I contemplated that this family Christmas gathering might be his last, we didn’t realize his death […]
For many of us, weekends are a time for relaxation. Counting down to Friday becomes routine because it means you can finally recover after five days of beating yourself up at work. However, this is a toxic cycle that tells us we should put self-care on hold for most of the week, when it should […]
“I wonder…” Whenever I hear coaching clients start off a sentence with these two words, I feel heartened. It means wheels are turning…intuition is kicking in, and mobilization is in the offing. It means my clients are curious, and ready to move past what is safe…beyond the known. It signals that they’re ready to step […]
Dr. Joan Rosenberg will talk about how to build confidence, emotional strength, and resilience to move toward relationship mastery.
The Birth of the American 40-Hour Week The Monday through Friday workweek was first introduced in 1926 when Henry Ford began shutting down his automotive factories on Saturday and Sunday to allow his labor force to rest. But it was not until 1940, when a provision of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act mandating a […]
Betsy Atkins discusses being ready for Board leadership and why it’s an important professional opportunity in all industries.