Be Your Own Valentine

It’s the time of year for cards with red hearts, chocolates, and flowers as Valentine’s Day approaches. It causes anxiety for some who are seeking affection and bliss for others who are celebrating their love with someone special. This Valentine’s Day I encourage you to see it through a different lens. By all means celebrate […]
Your Working Life with Cheryl Heller
Cheryl Heller talks about how social design can reframe the way we think about corporate culture.
Consider What To Keep, Stop, and Start to Reinvigorate Life and Career

A friend shared recently that every seven years she goes through a change that impacts her life and career in new ways. She looks forward to the new lens through which she sees life and embraces the process of transition. The human body is constantly changing at a cellular level so the process of transformation […]
Your Working Life with Gina Ireland
Gina Ireland talks about the film project Extraordinary People and the unique strengths people with autism bring to the workforce.
Reinvent Your Career with Design Thinking

Has your career path stalled? Maybe you need a shift in your mindset. Savvy professionals around the world have adopted the process of design thinking—a series of steps for generating options, testing strategies, and seeking feedback—to reinvent their careers. Design thinking was used previously as a tool in product development (focusing on the end user) […]