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Caroline Dowd-Higgins

Caroline Dowd-Higgins

With over a decade of career and professional development coaching experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins has a desire to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her training style is engaging, high energy, and positive with a focus on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.


  1. Amita Patel
    December 9, 2013 @ 12:43 pm

    Hi Caroline,
    Thanks for sharing this! I find that another thing that supports happiness in the workplace is the ability to setting healthy boundaries. Being able to state our needs in a healthy way leads to more productivity and a greater sense of peace. Thanks again!

  2. Victor van Eyssen
    December 22, 2013 @ 4:11 am

    Thanks Caroline…

    Awesome views!

    What you are saying is that, when you wish to fill a glass with clean fresh water -which is filled with murky -unclean- water already-… You need to have patience! Follow what you know… Be willing to listen and share the comfort.

    In other words: Be sure it is EMPTY, before you make any attempt -whatsoever- in trying to refill it!

    Some people will only listen, once it hurts enough… for them to WANT to. Others -the wise ones- listen because they know that it is good for them. That it is cheaper -by FAR- to Pay Attention, than NOT to!

    THAT is why the Truth was sent to save us… from all evil and harm, from following and believing in fear, lies and tradition, etc. In order for us to become successful SOONER, rather than later.

    Good one!