Is Dressing for Success Still a Thing?

The workplace continues to evolve, and with this comes changes in almost every aspect of business, such as office processes, business transactions, and even dress codes. As companies become more and more open to the idea of employees showcasing their personalities through their work and the way they dress, does the old adage “dressing for success” still ring true? The answer is yes, and here are the reasons why:
Communicating without words
As discussed in ‘Three Tips That Will Help You Communicate More Effectively’, effective communication is crucial, especially when it comes to our professional lives. However, there are still times when words are not enough and nonverbal cues are needed to ensure that what we’re saying is indeed understood. One of these nonverbal cues is clothes. Inc explains that your clothes convey more than just your fashion sense, they also reflect what you want to communicate intentionally or unconsciously. For instance, if you want to display your commitment towards work, you are more likely to wear clothes with sharp lines and sharp creases, along with shoes that suggest that you are well put-together. Modcloth has a range of vintage accessories such as chokers and neck scarves that you can use to polish a classic look.
Changing action and mood
A study from Northwestern University shows scientific proof that clothes can affect the way a person thinks and feels. The researchers gave each participant a white lab coat, telling some that the coat was a doctor’s coat while others were told that it was a painter’s smock. Those who were wearing the “doctor’s coat” were observed to be more meticulous and attentive in performing the task they were given. This goes to show how a person’s attitude can be influenced by what he or she is wearing. An article on Forbes pointed out that when people dress a certain way, it helps shift their internal self. This is probably the reason why a lot of people go through makeovers after experiencing unpleasant events such as breakups, failed interviews, and down days. The study supports the idea of dressing not according to what you feel but to what you want to feel.
Dressing for success
One great way to start dressing for success is by making sure that your clothes fit you properly. Sometimes this might mean updating your wardrobe if you’ve changed sizes, which we all do. Start with updating essential work clothes such as coats or blazers. The selection of coats and jackets on Woman Within shows that because winter coats come in a range of colors, styles, prints, and fabrics, and you shouldn’t have a problem layering items like a Wool-Blend Double-Breasted Peacoat for work. In addition to updating your wardrobe, Thrive Global also suggests going for pieces that show minimal skin and work well with simple and neat hairstyles and makeup looks, as they improve the versatility of your wardrobe.