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Caroline Dowd-Higgins

Caroline Dowd-Higgins

With over a decade of career and professional development coaching experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins has a desire to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her training style is engaging, high energy, and positive with a focus on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.


  1. Ruth
    January 29, 2014 @ 5:50 pm

    Do you have any recommendations or resources re creating a workable online identity (or identities) for those of us who have “braided” career paths and, therefore, multiple and unrelated groups of contacts? Effective-seeming LinkedIn profiles seem to focus on a single career path. With LinkedIn, I do participate in my interest groups, but limit my profile to my current career priority and relegated the rest to “Other Interests.”

    Throughout my work life, I have been a professional editor, a coach/counselor, an ESL teacher, and a performing songwriter. At times my full-time work has combined two or more fields; my life always includes more than one (e.g., after a BA in music, working as a musician, years of editing and ESL teaching, I got a master’s in counseling at IU and then wound up, unexpectedly, performing and songwriting full-time, then editing full-time, and now I’m coaching.)

    I’m enjoying your blog very much and am so pleased to know you’re working with IU Alumni Association.

    • Caroline Dowd-Higgins
      February 2, 2014 @ 3:31 pm

      Dear Ruth,

      So lovely to hear from you and thank you for your support and enthusiasm in reading my blog! I love your term “braided career path” and I would encourage you to use that tapestry approach in LinkedIn and other online venues when showcasing your profile. You are a Renaissance woman with really unique experiences in music, art, language, editing and counseling. Celebrate the breadth and depth of your experiences and tell the story of your multi-faceted career journey in your online profiles.

      Don’t be concerned about having a mixed offering in your profile that shows all the things you have done. It’s part of what makes you unique. Cheers to you! CDH