Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First
In the quest for sanity in life and career, I am amazed and impressed with working Moms (and Dads!) as well as those who take care of elderly parents in addition to their full-time careers. Whether you are an official caregiver or simply trying to nurture the relationships in your life, I challenge you to put yourself first.
The most common story I hear from burned out professionals is that they are exhausted from trying to maintain their families and their jobs. While I would never suggest that you neglect your family, I do want you to seriously think about your needs in the big picture.
A wise mentor told me that in order for her to be a mom, wife, and business professional at the top of her game, and to maintain her health and wellbeing – she had to think of her needs first. She learned this the hard way after collapsing from exhaustion and neglecting her very basic needs like sleep and re-charge time.
There is a reason the flight attendant on an airplane tells you to put your oxygen mask on first so you can then assist your small child. Think about it – if you put yourself last on the priority list then your family and colleagues won’t prioritize you either.
The first step is to set clarity of expectations with your family and your co-workers. If you ask for what you need, they will accommodate you most of the time. Realistically, we know that life happens and life will never be predictable or perfect. But if you ask for what you need it sends a signal to others that what you need is valuable.
You won’t ever get it if you don’t ask so start considering what you really need to make your life more balanced and enjoyable and ask your family to prioritize you. In the end you will be a better caregiver and you deserve it. It’s not selfish but a proactive and a positive strategy to maintain wellness and authenticity in your life.