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Caroline Dowd-Higgins

Caroline Dowd-Higgins

With over a decade of career and professional development coaching experience, Caroline Dowd-Higgins has a desire to empower and energize people to achieve their personal goals. Her training style is engaging, high energy, and positive with a focus on unlocking the self-advocate within each of us.


  1. Nancy Dowd
    November 18, 2012 @ 11:02 am

    I still have my gratitude journal from 1995. It’s great to look back from time to time. It helps me to accentuate the positive. Thanks for reminding me of this.

  2. Carol Covin
    November 20, 2012 @ 9:54 am

    I recently met a man who was a member of the Lions Club, to which I had donated all my mother-in-law’s old eyeglasses a few months ago. He told me they also collect old hearing aids.

    He, personally, was collecting stamps for a VA physical therapy program, soda can tabs to be recycled for the aluminum, cell phones to be given to domestic abuse shelters for 911 calls, medicine bottles for doctors in Haiti who buy medicine in bulk but need a way to distribute it, sunglasses and eyeglass cases for Haiti.

    It reminds you of what an impact a single person can have.