Rules of Reinvention
I learned from my book writing journey that people pursue career reinvention for a variety of reasons. Some are not happy in their work, others are not playing to their strengths, and the economy has forced many people to reinvent due to lay-offs and downsizing. The reasons for reinvention are endless as are the ways in which to go about this exciting new journey of career change.
Jake Poinier wrote a terrific article in Speaker Magazine and shared his 6 Rules of Reinvention for professional speakers – although his wisdom is applicable in all career sectors. I appreciate his advice and good humor and I know you will learn from it as well.
1. Reinvent yourself before it becomes necessary. If you wait until your career is gasping for air, you will play catch-up amid a field of cutting-edge experts.
2. Regularly ask yourself – Am I still relevant? The career game has changed in all industries and you can’t make it by being mediocre. Today, you must offer a quantifiable return-on-investment (ROI) as well as original thoughts and answers to distinguish yourself.
3. Never chase the hot topics or trends just to be “in”. Fads don’t build a long-term career, but tapping into your deepest passion does. If you try to be an expert in a field you don’t care about, you will come off as inauthentic and contrived and this will undermine your success.
4. Understand the impact of the reality TV trend. Be real – don’t be perfect and use your honest emotions to give from your heart in your career endeavors. Authenticity is essential.
5. Don’t force the reinvention of your career brand. Take the time to self reflect and do this with input from others you trust. Seek the wisdom of your personal Board of Directors to help guide you with your branding and identify your value-add.
6. There are some traits you shouldn’t reinvent. Don’t reinvent your fundamental talents – there is no need. This is your special sauce and distinguishes you in the marketplace. Keep building on your bank of knowledge and exploit your best skills. You can build on that broad foundation no matter what you next career move might be.
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January 30, 2011 @ 9:47 pm
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Affairs at the Jupiter hotel − Jeff Fisher
January 31, 2011 @ 1:03 am
[…] Rules of Reinvention « This Is Not the Career I Ordered […]
May 17, 2011 @ 5:02 pm
Caroline, ironically enough, given your entry on “Have You Googled Yourself Lately?”, I came across this post. Thanks very much for your kind words about the article — and I recognize I’m commenting on an old post — but I must give credit where it’s due: Ross Shafer, the professional speaker whom I interviewed, was the source for the 6 Rules of Reinvention.
If folks want to see the rest of the article, they can go here:
Thanks so much for reading and sharing Ross’s wisdom. He was a wonderful interviewee.