Is Sleep Deprivation a Silent Career Killer?

This guest blog was written William Loper, a freelance writer who loves to spend time researching new and exciting topics. On the weekend he enjoys a glass of wine and a non-fiction book and can be reached at
Are you not sleeping for a better work-life? Well, this is a wrong notion which you should abandon, ignore and correct. Through research, I’ve found that billions are lost every year because of lack of productivity in the workplace. The lack of productivity is because a getting enough sleep plays a huge role in boosting productivity levels. Sadly, we don’t appreciate the value of rest.
I recently came across the Try Mattress list of reviews and learned why sacrificing your sleep is quite misleading. It’s slowly damaging our work life, and shockingly, we’re not even aware! So today, I’ll show you some of the reasons why it’s one of the modern day career silent killers.
Its Increasing Your Levels of Stress
Sleep loss and anxiety are a terrible vicious cycle. High levels of stress usually play a crucial role in sleep disturbances and insomnia. Similarly, poor sleep boosts the level of Cortisol which is your body’s stress hormone. I’ve even come across some studies which show that depriving your body of sleep for more than 24 hours increases the Cortisone levels, hindering working memory and focus.
Keep in mind that a stressed-out person is probably a terrible worker. If you’re feeling stressed, then there are higher chances that it will affect your learning, memory, focus, cognitive performance and decision making.
It Hinders Innovation and Creativity
Of course, when you’re exhausted you cannot come up with new ideas or inspiration. Insufficient sleep is known to lower the activities of your brain’s Prefrontal Cortex. This is the part which is responsible for deep-level thinking, creativity, and self-control.
I recently read a report published in the ‘90s where I realized that lack of sleep also impairs easy decision-making and innovative thinking. Lastly, keep in mind that, by failing to sleep, you deny your business creative ideas and strategies.
Struggling With Memory and Learning
Did you know that we learn and remember better once we get enough sleep? I’ve found out that as you sleep, the brain is creating new memories from our different experiences and consolidating memories. However, if you’re not getting the right kind of sleep, your mind will have a more terrible time trying to handle such essential functions.
You Tend To Make Terrible Decisions
Yes, you might do a lot of tasks if you decide to work throughout the night. However, it’s entirely counterproductive. In such a situation, you’re more likely to make poor judgments which cost more energy and time to correct. It even affects essential factors in decision-making especially in sensitive cases, for instance, if you’re a doctor working in the Emergency Room (E.R).
Sleep Deprivation Destroys Focus!
I’ve also discovered that sleep has a marked effect in shaping our focus. It’s hard to concentrate on your job if you’ve failed to reward your body with enough rest. Besides, your ability to focus during the day depends on how you sleep at night. The main reason behind this is because it makes use of the same brain function which allows us to quickly process data by helping us ignore sensory information from the environment.
You can see why we need sleep to work better during the day. I know that you may be going through some challenges at work but before the manager calls you in for a crisis talk, start by giving your body the rest it needs. I’m sure that you’ll have a more comfortable working experience full of energy and productivity!