There is No Reality, Only Perception with Your Career Brand

As a career development and executive coach, I often work with people that brand products or services for an organization but have no real awareness of their unique professional brand and why it matters. It’s time to take stock of your own brand and use it to achieve your career goals and tell your authentic […]
Bad Bosses Happen, But Suffering Is Optional

Talent leaves an organization when they’re badly managed or when the organization fails to inspire them or provide room for new challenges and growth. You need to use your professional power and take control of your career trajectory. If you have a bad boss, suffering in silence (or out loud) is not a wise career […]
Your Working Life Podcast with Kimberley Kasper
Kimberley Kasper is the Chief Marketing Officer at Jobvite responsible for all areas of marketing including marketing communications, programs, and operations.
Your Working Life Podcast with Robyn Hatcher
Robyn Hatcher is passionate about transforming the way individuals communicate and express themselves through her firm: SpeakEtc.
Top Communication Mistakes and How to Fix Them
It amazes me how many professionals are lazy with their verbal communication. Some are incredibly informal and use slang or colloquialisms while others employ inaccurate grammar. These professional faux pas can be deal breakers in an interview scenario but can also make a bad impression on the job. It’s time to ramp up your communication […]
The Professional Female Shift
Women globally represent 70% of the buying decisions around the world, according to Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo. There is a dramatic shift happening among women in the world which is impacting what happens everywhere from large corporate organizations to local non-profits. Since the recession, we see the importance of humanity being incorporated into […]
The 5 G’s of Effective Communication
Kathleen Oliver, COO of Oliver Winery shared her 5 G’s of Effective Communication. These quick and easy tips will empower you to communicate more wisely with your colleagues in and out of your organization. May the communication force be with you!
Would You Be Happier With More Time or Money?
In the spirit of sharing great resources, my friend Chris sent me an amazing article by Alice LaPlante from the Journal of Consumer Psychology about the value of time and money. Professors Jennifer Aaker and Melanie Rudd of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania discuss how time […]