What Interests You?
The next predictor in your personal self assessment is Interests. Knowing your interests can help you discover your passion and choose a career. Interests are the biggest predictors in career selection since we gravitate towards what we like.
One of my favorite assessment tools is the Strong Interest Inventory® (Strong) which measures career and leisure interests. Working with a Career Development Professional who is certified to administer and interpret your Strong assessment results can help give you clarity about how your interests impact your career choices.
The Strong tool breaks interests down into 6 categories:
Realistic – (Doers) People who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants, or animals or to be outdoors
Investigative – (Thinkers) People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems
Artistic – (Creators) People who have artistic, innovating or intuitional abilities, and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination or creativity
Social – (Helpers) People who like to work with people – to inform, enlighten, help, train, develop or cure them, or are skilled with words
Enterprising – (Persuaders) People who like to work with people influencing, persuading or performing or leading or managing for organizational goals or for economic gain
Conventional – (Organizers) People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, carrying things out in detail or following through on other’s instructions
While assessments are not meant to give you all the answers and identify perfect career options, these tried-and-true career development industry tools can take you on a deeper guided self reflection than you might be able to do by yourself.
Emily and Jessica Leung are definitely interested in shoes (and what woman isn’t?) but they are committed to creating a product that solves the physical problems associated with wearing high heels. They discovered their passion when they developed a witty, stylish and sexy shoe line that builds confidence and empowers women while reflecting their wonder twin personalities.
Keep in mind that your interests may indeed lead to a career opportunity. Why not rediscover what really interests you and begin to look for, or develop, career opportunities in this arena.
February 4, 2010 @ 3:47 pm
Very Helpful!