When Will I Land My Dream Job?
These unstable economic times make it especially tough for first time job seekers that are beginning to forge their career paths. It’s also tough for seasoned professionals that find themselves out of work with rising unemployment rates.
The truth is, in this economic climate sometimes you must take a job that won’t help you move up the rungs of your personal career ladder. In difficult times it’s more common than not for job seekers to take opportunities outside of their field, below their pay grade, and far removed from their dream job classification. Student loans, credit card debt, and the general cost of living cannot be put on hold when you are unemployed but that not-so-perfect job can be a stop gap measure to make ends meet – and that’s ok.
These are very emotional times for job seekers and career changers. I have seen many clients and students wrestling with depression and a roller coaster of highs and lows. Be sure to tap into your personal and professional resource group and find the support system you need. Give yourself permission to take the job that will help you stay afloat financially right now but don’t lose sight of your goals and aspirations. This bad economy is a moment in time and it too shall pass.
Landing your dream job is a journey. If you feel stuck in a position now without hope of getting out, remember that you should always be strategizing about ways to move forward. Continue to develop your network and be your own best advocate by showcasing your personal brand and value add to all those who will listen. The economy is also the perfect excuse for a future employer who questions an entry on your resume. You can easily showcase your resilience, ability to deal with adversity and change by explaining why you took a job that was outside of your field or level of experience. Employers know the realities of this economy too and they will applaud you for staying in the game.