Unhappy At Work? Then Make a Change

This post was contributed by Chris Evans. Many thanks for your insight, Chris!
I’ve written many times about the enormous amount of people I come across who are unhappy at work. So, today, I thought I would lay out a little plan for anyone who doesn’t enjoy what they do. It’s simple stuff in theory, but the hard part is putting into practice. But that’s the thing about change. You can talk about it all you want, but nothing will happen if you don’t act. So, read on to find out more – and make sure that you do something about it afterwards.
Understand Your Problems
What is it about your job that you are unhappy with? Do you feel like you aren’t stretching yourself, or you don’t have enough responsibility? Is it the people you work with, or the industry that you are in? Or, maybe you just feel like a fish out of the water and are just working because you think you should? You have to understand what your problems are to deal with them. So, make out a list, and do some brainstorming. Jot down everything you dislike about your job, and let rip with all you have. But – make sure that you counter that list with all the things you enjoy, too.
Can You Learn to Love Your Job?
Next, compare the lists in front of you. Do the positives outweigh the negatives? Or, are there any bad points that could be easy to resolve? Think about what is going on outside of your job, too; in your personal life. Are things at home getting in the way of you enjoying your work? If it’s possible to make some slight changes to your mindset, then go for it. If you can fall in love with your current job again, then it might surprise you how much better you get on.
What Do You Want to Do?
Of course, for some people, there is no going back, and you might need to make a clean break. But, if so, what are you going to do? Ask yourself – ‘what career is right for me?’ – and attempt to do something about it. Find a career coach that can help you find your ideal job. Look into training and get experience in things that interest you. Have an open mind about everything, and keep trying until you find something that makes you happy. Once you have that, your path to success and happiness will be a lot clearer.
Remember, There’s Always a Way Out!
No matter what your situation is in life, there is always a way out. And, when it comes down to it, unhappiness at work is a lot easier to escape than being in prison or getting out of an abusive relationship. You might feel down, but staying there isn’t going to help you. Be more positive about repairing your mindset or making the break, and you will find that things start to happen. Be patient, too. There will be frustrating times ahead, no doubt. But, with a little focus, and understanding that there is always a route to change, you will get there.