Caroline Dowd-Higgins
Posts by Caroline Dowd-Higgins:
Is There An Entrepreneur In You?

Ever had an idea for a business that just keeps tapping you on the shoulder…and have you ever thought of throwing caution to the wind and actually doing it? If the thought has even crossed your mind, there may be an entrepreneur in you just waiting to be unleashed. In my book, This Is Not […]
Persuasive People Use Subtlety to Influence Others
Persuasive people influence others by communicating with subtlety and calm and not aggressiveness.
Your Working Life with Rania Anderson
Rania Anderson shares her expertise about how men and women can work together to support each other in ways that are mutually beneficial.
The Importance of Empathy in Our Lives

Even though it is frequently mentioned by many people, empathy is something that is hardly practiced or prioritized. Up to 98 percent of people are capable of empathizing with others, with the exception of sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists who are incapable of understanding or relating to the feelings and emotions of other people. People with […]
Your Working Life with Lindsey Stanberry
Lindsey Stanberry talksabout giving women the opportunity to speak honestly about the most intimate details of their financial lives.
The Importance of Receiving

With the holidays upon us, it’s fair to say we’ll probably be doing a lot more giving in the days and weeks to come – whether it’s giving parties, gifts, donations, side dishes, or our time. For women, in particular, giving tends to be our default… our wheelhouse. Many of us have no problem giving, […]
Screen Time Relief: 3 Tips To Detox

This holiday season, I hope you’ll consider giving yourself a rare and precious gift…I hope you’ll give yourself the gift of time away from your screens. More than ever before it feels like we’re staring at a screen the majority of our days – living in a virtual world that detaches us from others and, […]