Career Empowerment Videos
Be a Specialist for Career Success
Define your professional niche and be the go-to expert for something people seek out.
Make a Strong Finish and End Your Job Interview with Enthusiasm
Take control of how the job interview ends and recap your value to the organization and also show your enthusiasm for the opportunity.
“Sort of” and “Kind of” Kill Your Professional Credibility
Stop and listen to how you speak and remove filler words. Nobody ever “sort of” changed the world – be more emphatic!
Flexibility on the Job Leads to Higher Productivity
Vodafone conducted a study that shows how flexibility in the workplace directly leads to productivity, engagement and retention.
Make Your First Impression Last
With only 30 seconds or less to make lasting impression think in advance of how you want people to perceive and remember you before you speak.
Boost Your Confidence by Talking with Loved Ones
Speaking with friends or family on a regular basis boosts well-being and confidence so reach out and connect with those you love!
Time Away from Work Has Health Benefits
Time away from work can boost your health and your state of mind.
Parents Time Off is Good for Everyone in the Family
Parents are time starved with the realities of life, career and child rearing so plan for some alternative and non traditional time together to rekindle your relationship.
Start Each Day with Gratitude
Set yourself up for a positive day by beginning with a moment of thanks for what is good in your life.
Avoid “Text Neck” Bad Posture
Digital devices are wreaking havoc on posture with a phenomenon called text neck. Honor your body with better posture.