Career Empowerment Videos
What’s Your Career Moon Shot?
Challenge yourself with a stretch goal to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Be Resilient When You Hear “No”
Be resilient when you hear “No” and plan for the “Yes” that will come next.
Ask How Others Perceive You at Work
Do a brand audit and check in with others to learn about how you are perceived at work.
Avoid the Urge to Busy Brag
Change your intention from busy to productive and avoid the group think of the busy is better mentality!
Being Successful Means Not Always Being Right
Persuasive people understand how to compromise and give others a chance to shine.
Give Yourself Permission to Say “No”
It’s OK to say “No” to opportunities or requests when they don’t align with what you prioritize.
Take Control of Your Professional Development
Invest in your career by enhancing your professional development with coaching, conferences, audio books or training.
Women Leaders Tap Empathy to Empower Others
Strong leaders utilize empathy to focus on others and understand where they are coming from.
Single Tasking Increases Productivity and Reduces Stress
Focus on one thing at a time to decrease your stress and increase productivity.