Embracing Change
A transferable skill that tops the list of competencies employers value most is the ability to handle change. While change is an essential element in life and career, most instinctively resist it. The ability to handle change requires ongoing attention and perseverance. In the career arena, learning to deal with change can be used to your best advantage.
Keeping an open mind when change is imminent in your place of work will help the powers that be know that you are a true team player. When you look to grow rather than focus on the possible negatives of change, the process becomes easier. If you adopt a negative attitude about change then your energy is wasted on this behavior and your productivity decreases as well as your professional cache within the organization.
If you are in a position of authority in your organization or pursuing an entrepreneurial venture, be sure to motivate your team and help them through the growing pains of change. By rewarding success, you will create internal champions from among those who are higher risk takers and more aware of the value of new outcomes. Be enthusiastic and persistent with your team to help them re-boot the negative hard wiring that is often the first response to change.
I know that sometimes change comes unmercifully with lay-offs and downsizing. I encourage you to let your feeling out and experience the full gamut of emotions since it’s a vital part of catharsis and moving on. When you resist your emotions you simply make them stronger. I have established a 24 hour pout period when I allow myself to rant and rave in the privacy of my own home about a disappointment – then I move on and focus on what I do have control over.
I have seen many people make lemonade out of the career lemons they have been dealt in this tumultuous economy. Believe in yourself and know that life is what you make it because change is constant.