This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
COVID-19 Workaholism is Real

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a work-at-home scenario for me that has potential for backsliding into my dangerous workaholic tendencies. The back-to-back Zoom meetings with no transition time and lack of a lunch break are needed when urgency is real, but I am concerned that we are slipping into an unsustainable and unhealthy new work […]
Single Task Your Way to Sanity During Shelter-in-Place

These are stressful times sheltering in place while we are living 24/7 with family members who are trying to work, supervise online education for kids, and stay healthy during a global pandemic. While it may seem ideal to throw a load of laundry in while you are on a conference call and simultaneously checking on […]