This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
Honor the Introverts and Give Them Space to Be Heard
Western culture favors gregarious extraverts in the world-of-work. They speak up, think quickly on their feet, and rarely hesitate to share their point of view when interacting with colleagues and stakeholders. The perception of extraverts is not always based on the content, or the quality of the information shared, but the style with which it […]
Establish a Gossip Free Workplace
I read a fascinating New York Times article by Shayla McKnight who shared a story about her job interview with an online printing company. The Human Resources Manager was clear about the no-gossip policy and no office politics rule before she was even hired. While McKnight thought the policy was refreshing it also seemed hard […]
Interview Your Prospective Boss Before You Accept a New Role
You’ve heard the adage, people don’t quit their job, they quit their boss. If you are looking for a new career opportunity, don’t miss out on the chance to interview your prospective boss to determine if they are a fit to empower you to do your best work. Your success and satisfaction are aligned with […]
Five Ways to Reinvent Your Professional Self
In the pandemic economy many people have changed careers by necessity and others, by choice. This is the perfect opportunity to take charge of your destiny and reinvent your professional self to reignite your career and your life. There are five essential self-assessment action steps to pursue for your professional reinvention. These steps will empower […]
Happiness and Workplace Influence
It’s no mystery that happy employees are more productive but unhappy employees can become extremely debilitated and unwilling to follow leaders. This lack of influence leads to a breakdown in organizational morale, positional power and stability within organizations. Crystal Miller wrote a great piece on Blogging4Jobs about how asserting influence is not a passive thing […]
The Personal Gift of Play and Sleep
The pandemic virus variants continue to raise our stress levels and while vaccines give us hope, it will take a lot for us to navigate the next several months and beyond. As we head into the holidays, consider the gift you can give yourself to honor what your immune system needs to be proactive about […]
Don’t Underestimate Holiday Hiring as You Plan Your Next Career Move
I have a client pursuing a career reinvention who recently said she was going to lay low until after the holidays because she didn’t think hiring would happen until the new year. I encouraged her and any job seeker to activate now since the career market has an urgency like never before to recruit and […]
Rest Is More Than Sleep: What You Need to Renew Your Energy
I am a firm believer in the power of sleep and do my best to get 8 hours every night to maintain my health and wellness. I thought I was honoring my need to rest but my mind was blown when I read a piece about Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith in Maria Shriver’s: The Sunday Paper […]
Pace Yourself This Holiday Season: Tips for Going the Distance
Over the past few years, a holiday creep has overtaken the days of autumn. The holiday roll-out in the U.S. has gotten earlier and earlier and with Thanksgiving behind us, it’s easy to become stressed about completing all the tasks required at work and in your personal life to enjoy the festive season. Here are […]
Gratitude at Work Spurs Empathy and Compassion
As 2021 draws to a close, the stresses of the pandemic journey continue. Ambiguity lingers and many are navigating hybrid work scenarios, or lamenting having to commute again after a year+ of working from home. The Great Resignation is happening before our eyes and the urgent demand for labor is impacting all industries causing palpable […]
Executive Presence Isn’t Just for Executives
Executive presence used to harken images of expensively attired corporate employees who walked the walk and talked the talk to inspire confidence and yield influence for success in lavish offices and board rooms. In COVID times, the world has destigmatized remote work and the hybrid work model will be the new norm for much of […]
Reframe Obstacles to Find Career Clarity
When it comes to our plans, life can often have other ideas. That scenario has certainly been playing out as the whole world has been turned upside down by the ongoing Covid pandemic journey. So often we have very specific ideas about how our lives are supposed to unfold – feeling like we have control […]
An Entrepreneurial Mindset is Essential for Leaders
In my work as an executive leadership coach, I often help candidates prepare for job interviews. Even seasoned leaders are asked to define their leadership philosophy and give examples of their management in action when vying for a new role. While every role will require nuanced experience and subject matter expertise relevant to the opportunity, […]
Design Your Career Destiny So It Doesn’t Happen by Default
While unemployment rates are deceptively low, job layoffs, company re-organizations, and downsizing are ubiquitous. Perhaps you are pursuing a new opportunity to align with a better work culture or a higher salary. As the Greek philosopher Herclitus said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” My question to you is, are you ready for […]