This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
It’s Time for a Mid-Year Career Refresh
My grandparents were faithful Christmas Club savers at their local bank. Starting in June, they would deposit money in a special account each month, so they would have savings ready to go for the holidays. While many retailers have Christmas-in-the-summer sales, it’s also a good time to take this halfway point in the calendar year […]
Everboarding Improves Talent Retention
The Association of Talent Development (ATD) reports that the amount of information new hires learn in the first few days and weeks can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many organizations consider onboarding a one-and-done process with tutorial videos and copious digital resources to comb through on your own. It’s a victory if you can find the bathroom […]
Focus on Strengths, Not Weaknesses to Find Career Alignment
We hear it often…it’s better to play to your strengths rather than trying to fix your weaknesses. While that may seem like a no-brainer, especially when it comes to work and career, it’s surprising how many continue to work against their own proverbial grain. We’ve all heard about the challenges of trying to fit square […]
Radical Candor: Getting Real with Developmental Feedback
Leaders often need to give feedback that can be hard to deliver, as well as hard for those on the receiving end to hear. In her book Radical Candor: How To Be A Great Boss And A Kick Ass Citizen, author, coach and former tech exec, Kim Scott, advises that the more straightforward and honest […]
How Time to Think Can Help You Do Your Best Work
The pandemic induced work style of back-to-back meetings without transition time and overworked and overwhelmed employees has dangerously normalized into the status quo. I hear from clients, friends, and colleagues that the daily meeting blitz leaves no time to do the work. Evenings and weekends are spent catching up on the mountain of email and […]
Brave Not Perfect: Taking Bolder Risks
With social media permeating our daily lives at every turn, things can seem pretty flipping perfect out there. In this Instagram world where photos are filtered and flawless, and family and friends seem to always be having the time of their lives, it’s easier than ever to fall into the “perfect” trap. In her book, […]
Let Curiosity Be Your Career Guide
“I wonder…” Whenever I hear coaching clients start off a sentence with these two words, I feel heartened. It means wheels are turning…intuition is kicking in, and mobilization is in the offing. It means my clients are curious, and ready to move past what is safe…beyond the known. It signals that they’re ready to step […]
Grit and Resilience Will Help You Survive Career Challenges
Grit is defined as firmness of mind or spirit – an unyielding courage in the face of challenge. The career world is changing so fast that grit has also become a sought after competency for hiring and a necessity for entrepreneurs and innovators. The emerging research indicates that grit can determine success or achievement far […]
Advance Your Career with a Sponsor
In today’s world-of-work, you need to get into the career game and redefine your distinguishing strengths and value-add so you can be seen, heard, and considered for the new opportunities you seek. Adjust the career lens through which you see the world. It’s time to get into the driver’s seat and be strategic about how […]
How Leaders Can Mitigate the Great Resignation
This week, three people I know well left solid careers they had been in for multiple years for another opportunity that honored their values. The global pandemic wreaked havoc in many ways but it also gave people the chance to deeply consider what matters. Values are the greatest predictor or career satisfaction, and the ongoing […]
My Time Off Saved Me from Career Exhaustion
It had been 18 months since I took a true vacation and left my house to travel for an extended period. Sure, I took all my PTO in 2020 but the time off was not the same due to the pandemic. This summer, I visited my family on the east coast whom I had not […]
Consider What to Keep and Stop to Reinvigorate Life and Career
As a career and leadership coach, I work with many individuals who are stalled or stuck in a stagnant routine of life and career that zaps energy and enthusiasm. A simple exercise can transform your world. Keep & Stop helps you clarify and define what’s important to you on a personal and/or professional level. The […]
Design Your Career So It Doesn’t Happen by Default
Emerging from the pandemic provides an opportunity for reflection. Many people feel stuck or helpless in the wrong job, the wrong relationship, or an unhappy life. The concept of design thinking will empower you with practical and creative strategies to reboot what’s not working so you have more control over your destiny. With design thinking, […]
Be a High Achiever Instead of a Workaholic
As a recovering workaholic, I have finally come to terms with the reality that workaholism is unhealthy and unsustainable. The tragic reality of workaholism is that is also leads to unhappiness and burnout in life and career. I believe that suffering is optional and now I’m focusing on being a high achiever instead if a […]