This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
A Grown-Up Snow Day: How Will You Spend it?
Much of the country is being pelted with winter weather as I watch the beautiful snow accumulate outside from my warm and cozy perch at home. I’m in the mood for the stillness and peace that comes with a winter snowy day. ☃️ Before digital e-learning days, kids would wish for snow days to enjoy […]
2025: Let’s Do This!
As we begin a new year, the time is ripe to consider what you need and want to be happy, healthy, and gratified in your life and career. The pressure to pick a new year’s resolution can be stressful. Instead of a singular resolution that is likely to wane in a few months – here […]
Thriving Women Leaders: Executive Training for Women Leaders in Higher Ed
As a certified executive coach, I have been trained in the stakeholder centered approach for impactful leadership. How are you showing up in your organization? How do others perceive you? Are you willing to get vulnerable, embrace humility, and address your blind spots to honor a growth mindset? It’s essential to bring others into your […]
Stop Waiting to be 100% Ready – Just Do it!
As a career development and executive coach, I work with many individuals who are focused on making changes to their lives and careers to better align their values and strengths. But for some, their best plans often get stalled in analysis paralysis, which results in stagnation and a hard stop to forward momentum. Perfection is […]
Demystify Executive Presence and Project How You Want Others to Perceive You
Executive presence used to harken images of expensively attired corporate employees who walked the walkand talked the talk to inspire confidence and yield influence for success in lavish offices and board rooms. After the COVID pandemic, the world has destigmatized remote work and the hybrid work model will be the new norm for much of […]
Older, Wiser, and Career Vibrant
I have several executive coaching clients in their late fifth and sixth decade of life who are navigating a career change due to lay-offs, or company mergers and acquisitions beyond their control. Others are career transitioning by choice and excited about designing a new chapter in life and career. My clients expressed worry about ageism […]
Don’t be a Career Loser – Take All Your Time Off
As a recovering workaholic, I strive regularly to integrate life and career to honor my personal relationships and my professional ambition. My life often resembles a roller coaster with ups and downs of activity and never a consistent steady balance – and that’s OK. This reality check has allowed me to navigate the ultra-busy career […]
Life and Career Lessons from a Power Outage
A massive storm hit last week that resulted in a tornado touch down (several miles from us) and many downed trees and power lines which cut off our electricity for 3 days. Luckily, the damage to our home was mild with a large tree limb that broke our backyard fence and many fallen branches and […]
Honor the Introverts and Give Them Space to Be Heard
Western culture favors gregarious extraverts in the world-of-work. They speak up, think quickly on their feet, and rarely hesitate to share their point of view when interacting with colleagues and stakeholders. The perception of extraverts is not always based on the content, or the quality of the information shared, but the style with which it […]
Establish a Gossip Free Workplace
I read a fascinating New York Times article by Shayla McKnight who shared a story about her job interview with an online printing company. The Human Resources Manager was clear about the no-gossip policy and no office politics rule before she was even hired. While McKnight thought the policy was refreshing it also seemed hard […]
It’s Time for a Mid-Year Career Refresh
My grandparents were faithful Christmas Club savers at their local bank. Starting in June, they would deposit money in a special account each month, so they would have savings ready to go for the holidays. While many retailers have Christmas-in-the-summer sales, it’s also a good time to take this halfway point in the calendar year […]
Everboarding Improves Talent Retention
The Association of Talent Development (ATD) reports that the amount of information new hires learn in the first few days and weeks can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, many organizations consider onboarding a one-and-done process with tutorial videos and copious digital resources to comb through on your own. It’s a victory if you can find the bathroom […]
Are You Coachable?
It’s international coaching week and a great to time to consider working with a coach to empower you on your career and life journey. Savvy coaches offer a free Discovery or Chemistry call to determine if the coach/client relationship is a good fit. It’s important for the coach to ascertain if a client is ready […]
A Career Letter to The Class of 2024
Dear Class of 2024: A multi-generational celebration is in progress as we celebrate learners of all ages heading into the career world. You can design your career destiny and I encourage you to tap the power you have within you. You earned your credentials with a tremendous amount of time, effort, and more than likely […]