This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
The Inside Scoop About Psychological Safety at Work
The term psychological safety is all the rage in workplace research and publications. I’d like to de-mystify this term and break it down so it’s easily understandable and implementable in all work environments. By Definition Katie Taylor wrote a great piece in Atlassian that defines psychological safety as follows: Psychologically safe work environments allow team […]
2024: Let’s Do This!
As we begin a new year, the time is ripe to start fresh and consider what you need and want to be happy, healthy, and gratified in your life and career. The pressure to pick a new year’s resolution can be stressful. Instead of a singular resolution that is likely to wane in a few […]
Single Task Your Way to a Better Life and Career
Multitasking used to be a sought after professional competency thought to be a valuable skill for the busy professional. Research tells us that singletasking is actually more effective and can result in higher productivity and time efficiency. I can envision the woman at work reading this blog while eating her lunch, checking her email, listening […]
Spring Cleaning: Letting Go With Gratitude
There’s something about fresh starts outside that inspire fresh starts inside. Sun shining, buds popping, and milder temperatures inspire us to open the windows to let the springtime air in, which can, in turn, inspire us to send the clutter out! Marie Kondo can certainly help in this regard. Kondo is the organizing wunderkind and […]
There is No Mind Reading in The Career World
Gone are the days when working hard was enough to earn recognition or a promotion in the career world. Take control of your career trajectory and design your unique path. In addition to mapping out your career future, be sure to tap the wisdom of those who can empower you to achieve your goals. Keeping […]
Career Wisdom for the Class of 2019 That Also Works for Seasoned Professionals
The Class of 2019 Commencement speakers included celebrities like Glenn Close at the College of William & Mary, Fareed Zakaria at The Ohio State University, Laverne Cox at Pitzer College and Apple CEO, Tim Cook at Tulane University, to name only a few. While the style and wisdom shared by the myriad of commencement speakers […]
How to Get Organized and Increase Productivity
Quite often when we’re working, we don’t get to the bottom of our to-do list, things get in the way, unexpected things happen, time flies and sometimes things just don’t get done. This can leave you feeling disheartened, stressed and then demotivated which is no use to anyone. If you were just a bit better […]
What My Father’s Death Taught Me About Grief
The first few months of this year have been filled with significant loss. My Dad died in February after a very rapid decline from Alzheimer’s disease. We knew his condition was terminal but in December when my siblings and I contemplated that this family Christmas gathering might be his last, we didn’t realize his death […]
5 Ways to Care for Yourself – Even with a Busy Career
For many of us, weekends are a time for relaxation. Counting down to Friday becomes routine because it means you can finally recover after five days of beating yourself up at work. However, this is a toxic cycle that tells us we should put self-care on hold for most of the week, when it should […]
Curiosity: Let It Be Your Guide
“I wonder…” Whenever I hear coaching clients start off a sentence with these two words, I feel heartened. It means wheels are turning…intuition is kicking in, and mobilization is in the offing. It means my clients are curious, and ready to move past what is safe…beyond the known. It signals that they’re ready to step […]
Is the 40 Hour Workweek Still Feasible?
The Birth of the American 40-Hour Week The Monday through Friday workweek was first introduced in 1926 when Henry Ford began shutting down his automotive factories on Saturday and Sunday to allow his labor force to rest. But it was not until 1940, when a provision of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act mandating a […]
5 Habits to Practice to Increase Your Productivity
Success is often measured by how productive we are. However, it can be difficult to prioritize tasks or manage our time wisely. The key to increasing productivity is to work smarter, not harder. Remember, it’s not the number of hours you work, but rather the quality of work you put in during those hours. Below […]
Honor Your Body in Life and Career
I recently re-read Arianna Huffington’s book, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time, and it continues to change my life. I knew that sleep was essential for health and wellbeing but I see so many people caught up in the myth of how hard working and successful people must sacrifice their life […]
Brave Not Perfect – Part II: Counteracting Perfectionism
If you’re looking to shake off your fears and move forward in your career, I highly recommend Reshma Saujani’s latest book, Brave, Not Perfect. Saujani, who founded Girls Who Code in 2012, says that, for women to succeed in the business world, it’s about more than just leaning in or boosting self-confidence – she says it’s about finding courage. […]