This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
Boomerang Talent is Ripe for Recruiting
The Worker’s Market is alive and well putting talent in the driver’s seat in this robust job market. While many employers are scrambling to attract and retain top talent, the often-unexpected population of boomerang and alumni talent is ripe for hiring. Boomerang and Alumni Employees Boomerang talent has worked in or applied to work in […]
I’d Rather Be in Charge
This phrase resonates so clearly for many of us and happens to be the title of an iconic book by Charlotte Beers. Former Chairman and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, I’ve seen Charlotte deliver several keynotes over the years to share her wisdom. Wicked smart, full of moxie and extraordinary life experiences, this queen […]
Time Off Helps You Thrive in Life and Career
It’s no surprise that most adults are overworked and overwhelmed but the counter-intuitive reality is that many are not taking all the paid time off they’ve earned. According to Project: Time Off “After years of being asked to ‘do more with less’ workers are overstretched, stressed out, and exhausted. The always-on, 24/7 American work culture […]
Success Means Showcasing Your Human Side
This blog was contributed by Sheila Sands who shares compelling wisdom about tapping the human side of your brand for success. Once upon a time, doing business of any kind meant picking up a telephone, speaking to a person politely, maybe booking an appointment and then strolling through town to their office or store. But […]
Career Wisdom for the Class of 2018 That Works for Seasoned Professionals
The Class of 2018 list of commencement speakers included celebrities like Oprah Winfrey at USC Annenberg, Michael Bloomberg at Rice University, Queen Latifah at Rutgers University and Sheryl Sandberg at MIT. Brown University awarded Sting an honorary degree along with his wife and activist, Trudie Styler. He serenaded the graduation crowd with an a capella […]
Laughter Is The Best Medicine: Finding the Funny Side of Life and Career
Ever notice how a good laugh can go a long way in changing the way everything looks? After a less than stellar day last week, I happened upon one of my favorite comedians on social media. I started off giggling and before I knew it, I was in full-out, belly laugh mode. Afterwards, I realized […]
A Money Conversation – Part II: Getting It In Writing
In last week’s post, A Money Conversation Part I, I asked readers to examine their sense of self-worth as it relates to money, and asked, ‘If money talks… what is it saying to you?’ It’s an interesting idea to think of personifying money – actually thinking about what it might want to say to you, […]
A Money Conversation Part I: Your Self-Worth
Each spring, come tax time, we have the opportunity to take stock of how much we’ve made, how much we’ve spent, and overall, how we’re doing with our money. If, as the saying goes, “Money talks,” – what is its message to you after this year’s tax season has come and gone and tax returns […]
Myth Buster: You Can’t Afford NOT to Record an Audiobook
Do you want to sell more books? Do you want to book more speaking engagements? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Then, if you have written a book, you MUST record an audiobook – and, it’s affordable! No Printing Costs When you record your audiobook, you have a digital product you can […]
Solutions to Tackle Communication Breakdowns at Work
Regardless of your ideological views or political persuasion, these are turbulent times around the world. I’ve noticed a sense of angst, heightened anxiety, and a palpable change in how people treat each other personally and professionally. It’s time to get back to what distinguishes us as human beings – treating one another with compassion, dignity, […]
An Obsession with Reading Can Enhance Your Career
This blog was contributed by Rebecca Temsen and first appeared in Self Development Secrets. Books are everywhere. Libraries big and small and bookstores are splattered all over college campuses and larger cities. They are all filled with one of the most important things of all time—books. Those who read books appreciate the multiple places to […]
Emotions At Work: Keeping Them In Check
Emotional Intelligence guru, Daniel Goleman, says that, to succeed in today’s workplace, the ability to manage your emotions is key. In his book Working With Emotional Intelligence, Goleman emphasizes the importance of understanding how our emotions affect our actions on the job as well as how they influence the reactions of others. As a career […]
Rock How You Recognize Colleagues in Your Workplace
You need not wait for the next National Employee Appreciation Day to recognize the great work of your colleagues. The research indicates that when people feel valued and appreciated on the job it enhances their satisfaction, productivity, and organizational morale. According to Annamarie Mann and Nate Dvorak from Gallup Business Journal: “In today’s war for […]
Five Rookie Mistakes to Avoid During Job Interviews
By Laura Deck A few weeks ago, I interviewed three candidates for a marketing specialist position at the Silicon Valley tech nonprofit where I work. The position was targeted at individuals who had acquired a few years of marketing experience since college graduation. I was expecting some basic marketing skills and a modest amount of […]