This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
The Power of Resting Deeply
It’s the height of the summer season and many are taking vacation hoping to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate. The reality is that many people need a vacation after the vacation because they do so much during their time off that rest is not a priority, and they return to work exhausted. I am a firm […]
Cracking the Code of Job Satisfaction: 2023 Study
This article originally appeared here: Cracking the Code of Job Satisfaction: 2023 Study and was republished here by permission of My Perfect Resume. Does your job give you an endorphin boost? Or rather anxiety, stress, and hundreds of reasons to complain? No matter whether you save lives or create memes, work from 9 to 5 or have no […]
Negotiation Tips From Personal Capital Part 2
Be empowered when you negotiate! Check out Personal Capital’s free financial software!
Negotiation Tips from Personal Capital
Great tips and strategies for negotiating by Personal Capital. Check out Personal Capital’s free financial software!
How a Serial Career Pivoter Navigated Life’s Twists and Turns
By Laura Deck Career paths stopped being linear decades ago. Working for the same company for thirty plus years hasn’t been the norm for a long time, and, thankfully, job-hopping is no longer considered a career-limiting move. The new reality of work is more often characterized by frequent pivots rather than a sustained sprint. According […]
Take The Reins! Resources to Start Your Freelance Career
This blog was contributed by Reanne Brian. Over the last decade, a massive trend has seen more and more people taking their work into their own hands as a freelancer. It’s becoming much easier to monetize your skills on a private basis. This sort of work can be extremely rewarding, and it’s a great way to […]
How Neat Is Your Desk? 5 Strategies To Help You Get Organized
Our desks are the mission control of our workdays, and, if you’re anything like me, when my desk is orderly, I feel a bit more grounded than on the days when it looks like a two year old climbed up and gleefully played fifty-two-pick-up on top of it with a stack of files. If one […]
Design Your Life and Career in 2017
The New Year provides opportunity for reflection and a fresh start. Many people feel stuck or helpless in the wrong job, the wrong relationship, or an unhappy life. The concept of design thinking will empower you with practical and creative strategies to reboot what’s not working so you have more control over your destiny. With […]
I’m Floating My Stress Away!
Admittedly, I am a high-energy, focused, and ambitious career woman who works very hard. While my career brings me great satisfaction and achieving a new goal gives me an adrenaline rush, I find it hard to sit still, let alone relax. I exercise hard to honor my body and it’s rare that I am not […]
Applying Eat, Pray, Love to Your Life
If you haven’t read Liz Gilbert’s book Eat Pray Love or seen the blockbuster movie with Julia Roberts, the nutshell version is that it took Liz (the protagonist) a full twelve months and three countries to strike a balance between pleasure seeking and inner spiritual peace. Liz ultimately found her authentic self and although traveling […]
Crack the Gender Code in the Interview
I read a fabulous article by Muriel Vega in Pink Magazine online about how men take credit more easily for their accomplishments and often see negotiation as a sport. In the end this often gets them higher pay rates. Connie Glaser, a communications expert and author of Gender Talk Works: 7 Steps for Cracking the […]
How To Use Your Office Holiday Party to Land a Promotion
Vicki Salemi wrote this great piece in the New York Post and included my insight about leveraging the office holiday party to your career advantage. Check it out! When a company’s branch manager throws a huge party to land a client in the Jennifer Aniston flick “Office Christmas Party,” out this week, many viewers may […]
Honor Your Body in Life and Career
I recently listened to Arianna Huffington’s book, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time, and it changed my life. I knew that sleep was essential for health and wellbeing but I felt caught up in the myth of how hard working and successful people must sacrifice their life for their career. […]
The Best Ways To Earn Money By Working From Home
This blog was contributed by Reanne Brian. The stay at home job market has boomed astronomically in recent years. What used to conjure up images of miserable looking people stuffing envelopes for hours on end is now a legitimate and lucrative option for many people. The popularity of the Internet for conducting business is one of […]