This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
It’s Time for a Mid-Year Career Refresh
My article was originally posted on Medium. My grandparents were faithful Christmas Club savers at their local bank. Starting in July, they would deposit money in a special account each month, so they could have savings ready to go for the holidays. While many retailers are now having Christmas in July sales, it’s also a […]
Achievement Intelligence is the Essential Guard Rail to Humanize AI
The benefit of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking shape with the aim of improving the lives of every person on the planet. In the world-of-work, AI is empowering users in every industry to increase sales, efficiency, and productivity. While there are clear business wins in doing and achieving more, the relentless focus on more is […]
Create a Kinder Workplace
The workplace can be stressful enough without office politics, gossip, and malcontents. Tom Terez wrote a great piece about building a kinder workplace. We spend so many of our waking hours in our place of work, it only makes sense to create and foster a more civil environment. Here are a few of Tom’s great […]
These Women Abandoned Their Jobs And Became Tech Entrepreneurs
This blog was contributed by Reanne Brian. Entrepreneurship used to be something that was reserved for a few elites with the capital to pull it off. Now it’s something we can all enjoy, thanks to new innovations in technology and the marketplace. Technology has reduced the costs of communication across the board. We now have tablets, cloud-connected […]
The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Keep Feeding It!
The New Year is just around the corner, and if you’ve had a business idea brewing, consider making 2017 the year you take it to the next level and explore entrepreneurship. In my coaching practice, and during the course of my travels, I talk to lots of women interested in starting their own businesses. They […]
Breaking Free: How To Get Out Of A Job You Hate
This blog was contributed by Reanne Brian. Nobody wants to end up stuck in a rut. For many of us, the idea of toiling away every day at a job that we hate just to pay the bills sounds like a nightmare. That’s what makes it so tragic that so many people end up doing just […]
Grit Defines Achievement in Your Career
Grit is defined as firmness of mind or spirit – an unyielding courage in the face of hardship. The career world is changing so fast that grit has also become a sought after competency for hiring and a necessity for entrepreneurs and innovators The emerging research indicates that grit can determine success or achievement far […]
The Four-Letter Word That Could Be Killing Your Career
Admittedly, I am a career development wonk and love sharing articles, blogs and videos that have empowered me with new information that will help me thrive in life and career The following blog was originally posted on the businessolver blog by Kelley Butler. It really gave me gave me pause to consider how I communicate […]
Be an Empowered Woman
I recently came across a social media post with 10 Ways to Be an Empowered Woman and I want to share this inspiring wisdom with you. Consider these simple and self-nurturing ways to be your own best advocate so you can pay-it-forward as a role model to others. Attain your educational goals: never stop learning […]
4 Telltale Signs You Keep Getting Drawn To Jobs That You Hate
This post was contributed by Beth Green. Are you one of those people that seem to end up going from one terrible job to another? You might even begin to develop a complex about this strange phenomenon! You might think that there is a simple reason why you get drawn to dead-end jobs or ones […]
Getting the Boss to Buy Into Your Great Ideas
In the new normal of the career world it’s more important than ever to toot your own professional horn and make your accomplishments known internally in your organization. This isn’t inappropriate bragging but strategic self advocacy that may keep you stay afloat in tough times since every employee has to prove their worth. But how […]
Women In the Workplace 2016: Roadblocks to the C-suite
If you’re wondering how women are faring overall when it comes to leadership and gender equality in corporate America, the recently released Women In the Workplace 2016 report makes it clear – the answer is not very well. The report is the culmination of research conducted by McKinsey & Company, in partnership with LeanIn.Org, and […]
How Entrepreneurship Can Help Achieve World Peace
The gig economy is alive and well, and disruptive innovation has empowered many to earn money driving for Uber or by monetizing their home as an AirBnB rental. But there is a deeper value and sustainable role in the start-up and entrepreneurship culture that is impacting the global landscape more than you may have considered. […]
“Can’t Not Do” – Guided by Desire or Fear?
I’m thrilled to share this guest blog from my friend and colleague, Beth Kreitl, EdS, LMHC, 200RYT. We worked together in the early stages of our career development journey at Indiana University and it has been a joy to see Beth truly enjoy her career and love her life. I’m confident you will be inspired […]