This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
Future-Focused Leadership
Leadership has evolved over the decades and savvy, future-focused leaders empower others to do great work. The shift from command-and-control management, to leading with empathy, humility, and vulnerability is essential to attract and retain top talent. If this leadership style is new to you – it can be learned. Let’s take a closer look at […]
2023: Let’s Do This!
As we begin a new year, the time is ripe to start fresh and consider what you need and want to be happy, healthy, and gratified in your life and career. The pressure to pick a new year’s resolution can be stressful. Instead of a singular resolution that is likely to wane in a few […]
Bad Bosses Happen, But Suffering Is Optional
Talent leaves an organization when they’re badly managed or when the organization fails to inspire them or provide room for new challenges and growth. You need to use your professional power and take control of your career trajectory. If you have a bad boss, suffering in silence (or out loud) is not a wise career […]
Improve the Staff Selection Process with Virtual Interviews
It would be an understatement to say that hiring is difficult. The constant refinement of technology and rising standards for applicants only serve to complicate the process, even before you factor in the challenge of the job interview. Of course, that same march also offers solutions that can help streamline the process, if not make […]
Propel Your Career Forward by Looking for ‘Extra Headroom’
Career advice from disruptive innovators, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. By Laura Deck, guest blogger Wait. I know what you’re thinking. You’ve heard all the salient career advice and most of it just rehashes what has been offered before. A recent Google search for “career development advice” yielded 38,700,000 hits, so there is no shortage of […]
How to Ace The Video Job Interview
More and more HR mangers use the Internet to interview job candidates nowadays. In fact, more than 63 percent, that’s 6 in 10 human resources managers say their company often conducts employment interviews via video, according to a survey by OfficeTeam. Mounting pressure on HR mangers to reduce recruitment costs, growing popularity of technological devices […]
Salary: 7 Tips To Help You Ask for What You Want
Salary negotiation…it’s right up there with root canals and tax audits in the minds of many. There’s no doubt, it can be challenging to be in the negotiating “hot seat”. In a recent study conducted by, 31,000 people were surveyed about salary negotiation, and over half responded that they had never asked for a raise. […]
Career Lessons from Kai Kight
Recently, I participated on a panel for the Council of Alumni Association Executives in Scottsdale, Arizona. A highlight during the event was a presentation by Kai Kight who identifies himself as an innovator, speaker, violinist, and entrepreneur. Kai created an experience for the audience that was steeped in music and visionary thinking. He believes in […]
Tempted to Take ANY Job: 4 Strategies To Help You Think Twice
Have you ever been at a point where you’re ready to take any job out of desperation – regardless whether it’s the right fit? There’s no doubt that job-hunting in this economy can be challenging and bills must be paid, however conducting a job search from a place of fear rather than strength doesn’t always […]
Sitting Is The New Smoking and A Hazard to Your Career Health
You’ve heard it before, we spend most of our waking hours at work and many spend the majority of their time at a desk in front of a computer. Not to mention the hours we commute to work in a car, plane, train, or bus – sitting. The sedentary lifestyle is a hazard to our […]
5 Reasons to Think About a Career Change
I’m delighted to share this guest blog post by Michael Davis who runs a website and blog called www.resume which is a great resource you may find helpful on your career development journey. Thank you for sharing your career change wisdom, Michael! Lots of people eventually realize that they’re stuck in a job that just […]
Be Your Own Valentine
It’s the time of year for cards with red hearts, chocolates, and flowers as Valentine’s Day approaches. It causes anxiety for some who are seeking affection and bliss for others who are celebrating their love with someone special. This Valentine’s Day I encourage you to see it through a different lens. By all means celebrate […]
Are You a Career Perfectionist? Part I
In my coaching practice as well as in my travels for speaking engagements, I regularly meet women who are terrified of change. They’re afraid to change careers, jobs, or even pursue a promotion for fear of making the wrong move or not measuring up. Many women are standing in the way of their own success, […]