This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
What Are You Waiting For?
This was a big week for me. I left a senior leadership role in a large organization to pursue my executive coaching, speaking, and consulting practice full-time. My side-hustle entrepreneurial days are over – bring on the full-hustle! This was not an overnight decision. I have been pursuing my business on evenings, weekends, and precious […]
Hone Your Emotional Agility
As we continue to navigate the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) landscape and the ongoing pandemic journey, mental unwellness is at an all-time high. The World Health Organization reports that depression is the single leading cause of disability globally. Savvy organizations are offering more comprehensive wellness support like access to therapy as part of […]
Words to Live By
Plans are great but ineffective until you act upon them. Take action and discover your best possible self. I read a piece in Oprah Magazine by Dr. Phil McGraw that I believe is worth sharing. Check out Dr. Phil’s words to live by for 2014: Everybody has a personal truth. It’s what you believe about […]
Emotional Intelligence is the Most Desirable Employability Competency
Emotional Intelligence (EI) describes the ability identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups. In addition to having a cadre of transferable skills relevant to a particular career field, employers are looking for candidates with sound emotional intelligence when hiring. Emotional Intelligence helps us connect and communicate with colleagues on […]
Out With the Old & In With the Bold!
In the afterglow of the holidays and with 2014 looking us straight in the eye, I want to wish you a new year filled with good health, happiness, lots of good work, and a spirit of boldness. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, ‘Bold’ is ‘confidence’ and ‘fearlessness in the face of challenge’. My wish for […]
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Synthesized for Interviewing
Lou Adler is the CEO of The Adler Group, a consulting firm helping companies implement Performance-based Hiring. His latest book, The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired covers the performance-based process of successful interviewing on both sides of the table. Lou wrote a stellar piece in LinkedIn about using Covey’s quintessential “7 Habits of […]
Going For A Career You Love
As the New Year progresses, I want you to think about your career goals for 2014 and what would provide you the greatest fulfillment. As you think about it, please keep in mind these four things: You deserve to be happy in your work. You have the power to make that scenario a reality. You […]
Get Out From Under the Career ‘Should Haves’
When I talk with women in my coaching practice and around the country about loving their work, some balk at the idea. There is a contingent of women in the workforce who believe that the words ‘love’ and ‘work’ don’t belong in the same sentence, and many of these women are quick to pepper their […]
Jump Start Your Career Search in 2014
The New Year comes with an array of fresh opportunities. As part of a yearly tradition, individuals are preparing their 2014 resolutions and looking ahead to a fresh beginning. For many, obtaining a job or entering a new career field is on the top of their list. “Many people assume hiring slumps in the beginning […]
Walk a Mile in My Shoes
I’ll admit it – I love shoes! Heels in particular are my fashion vice. A good pair of heels helps me own my posture, ramp up my self-confidence, and turn on my professional poise. I am surprised by the bad choices women (and men) make regarding footwear in the professional realm. I recently attended an […]
A New Year Career Cleanse
It’s the season for diets, intense exercise regimens, and plans to quit unhealthy habits. If the dawn of 2014 has coerced you into extreme new beginnings, I encourage you to start the New Year by being good to yourself, especially as you consider your career future. Instead of setting unattainable goals that you will most […]
A Stress Management Parable
I want to thank my friend, Hillary for sharing the following stress management story. What a great message as we head into 2014. May the New Year be filled with good health, great joy, and much abundance! A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience with […]
If I Can Meditate – So Can You!
True confession – I love my work and I am energized by what I do but my personality is a classic Type A, (maybe even AA) which can lead to stress. You know my type – I’m an achiever, constantly moving, high energy, focused on multiple things and sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Devil. […]
The Art of Failure and Why It’s Good for You
Years ago I was in an interview for a big freelance opportunity and my almost future boss asked me – “What was your biggest professional failure?” The question really freaked me out since I did not want to expose my vulnerable side or my true weaknesses. I was trying to land the job and show […]