This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
Madeleine Albright’s Leadership Institute for Women
Former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright is paving the way for the future women leaders of the world and unlocking the door to the proverbial good old boys club. At Wellesley College, Ms. Albright’s alma mater, a new Institute for Global Affairs named after her will be offering students around the world access to non-partisan […]
Earning Verses Getting
One of my pet peeves is when a client or student of mine talks about getting their degree from a particular university or college. This nomenclature is everywhere from professional bios to all forms of media. The last time I checked, schools were not giving out degrees to just anyone who walked across the stage […]