This Is Not The Career I Ordered™ Blog
Savvy Professional Career Wisdom by Caroline Dowd-Higgins
This is Not the Career I Ordered is read by thousands of careerists around the globe. With savvy tools, inspiration, and resources, this timeless book empowers you to enjoy your career, and love your life!
Women are Changing Leadership
Women are paving the way for a style of leadership that is confident, authentic, and highly effective. Catalyst reports that the share of women in senior management is increasing incrementally. We still have a long way to go for women’s equity in leadership roles, but the comprehensive picture looks more promising. Remarkable women are leading in […]
Refresh Team Engagement Regularly
I see LinkedIn announcements every day from people enthusiastically reporting new roles in new organizations. Hiring trends are strong and savvy companies are bringing in top talent. With a focus on retaining newly hired top talent and honoring the existing staff already in place, I encourage you to consider a team engagement refresh on a […]
What NOT to Wear for the Job Interview This Summer
I am looking forward to having Vicky Oliver as a guest on my CBS Radio show in September but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share her expert tips about dressing for job interviews in the summer months. Vicky has written five best-selling career development books, including 301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette […]
Get Into Your Career Game
Don’t play it so safe that you lose out on new opportunities Get into the game and try something new!
A Professional Photo is an Investment in Your Career
Be honest, does your LinkedIn profile have a photo or are you one of those people who chose not to upload an image? The message you are sending to the professional world is not a good one if you opted out of including a head shot. It’s not a beauty contest but a way for […]
Colleague Drama 101
I’ve spoken a lot lately about being liked vs. respected at work and I encourage you to choose the latter in your work environment since when you are well respected, people tend to also enjoy your company. But sometimes colleagues just don’t get along and personalities clash. I’ve even heard horror stories of unacceptable behavior […]
So Many Interviews!
Interviewing with a large company? The number of interviews can be staggering. At a certain point you begin to ask yourself if they are just pumping you for ideas or if management has a problem with decision-making. Not to worry! The seemingly endless cycle of interviews is a great way to learn about the corporate […]
Playing Together in the Multi-Generational Professional Sandbox
Work environments today have multi-generational employees and the frustration amongst the age groups is heard loud and clearly in many industries. Millennials are asking for balance and flexibility during the job interview. Baby Boomers are vexed by Generation Y and their tether to technology. Generation X is eager for feedback about their work and also […]
I Have an App for That!
That’s right, I have ventured into the world of smart device applications and my new App is live and ready for you to download. If you are in need of daily career inspiration or action steps to reinvigorate your current role or job search – Career Coach Caroline’s Career Tips App for smart phone (iPhones […]
Digging Out of the Daily Email Palooza
I have 700 law students with whom I work on a regular basis plus a myriad of private clients so needless to say, I get a lot of email every day. The volume is so tremendous that I can find myself chained to my desk if I don’t pro-actively tackle the email Palooza that is […]
A Transformative Experience
I was honored to be a presenter at the 2013 Invent Your Future Conference in Silicon Valley, California last week. I usually leave most conferences jazzed and energized but this particular experience was truly transformative. I want to share some valuable take-aways and encourage you to pursue ongoing professional development to feed your mind and […]
The 70-20-10 Networking Rule
Not a day goes by when I don’t hear from someone who is frustrated about the job search and unenthusiastic about networking. Most people are not natural networkers but at least they are willing to expand their comfort zone in order to be seen and heard in a competitive job market. However, if the concept […]
Invent Your Future Conference in Silicon Valley, CA
You need to be in control of your career destiny so it doesn’t happen by default and learning to manage your career is something every professional woman can do. Whether you are contemplating a career reinvention or looking to jump start an existing career to reignite your passion – you need to know the essential […]
Mobilize Your Mentors and Sponsors
It’s no secret that a mentor can be a terrific resource as you navigate your personal career path. Seeking a mentor starts simply with asking for advice from a trusted professional who has been there and done that in your industry. Start by asking for information and advice and see how the relationship develops. You […]